A. Structure
To ensure the swimming pool structure is light and robust, our pool uses stainless steel/hot galvanized steel as the material to build swimming pool.
To eliminate any possibility of corrosion the pool structures are bolted together, and the entire swimming pool is built up with wall panels and supporting structures and fixed on a flat surface safely.
B. Water Proofing
Waterproofing is one of the important work during the installation. Water can pass through any space in the structure under pressure. To avoid leakage, the steel panels we use are all PVC laminate, and the pool floor is covered with PVC membrane. Gaps and joints are all sealed to make sure the swimming pool is watertight.
C. Time
Thanks to the technique of building a swimming pool we can now save much time on building a swimming pool.
D. Flexibility
With the flexibility of this modular swimming pool technique, the technique is able to conquer many environmental difficulties, to build in different places, locations, and in different shapes.
E. Cost
The complexity of the swimming pool design, accessories, filtration system, disinfection system, and installation difficulties all need to be considered. The overall cost consideration is something that needs to be taken into account when building a swimming pool.
The cost we can save:
1. The design of the swimming pool is able to fit in the existing building.
2. The advantage of light and robustness can save the building structure spend.
3. Can be installed at the location without massive structure modification.
4. Can be installed at the place where it's hard to reach.
5. Quick installing can save labor costs.
F. Maintenance
The material MAM chooses not only the structure or PVC membrane but also the finishing material all are to ensure the maintenance cost is lower; we provide the customer with a long-lasting and durable swimming pool.